Index of Zoning Bylaw #4-2014

Rural Municipality of Three Lakes No. 400

Zoning Bylaw No. 4-2014

Section 1 - Introduction

1.1 Title
1.2 Scope
1.3 Severability

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Section 2 - Administration

2.1 Development Officer
2.2 Application for a Development Permit
2.3 Bylaw Interpretation
2.4 Issuing Permits
2.5 Building Permits, Licences, and Compliance with Other Bylaws
2.6 Development Appeals Board
2.7 Fees, Advertising and Restrictions on Appeals
2.8 Application of Overlay Zones
2.9 Minor Variances
2.10 Offences and Penalties

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Section 3 - General Regulations

The following regulations shall apply to all Zoning Districts in this bylaw:

3.1 Development on or near Environmentally Sensitive Lands
3.2 One Principal Building or Use Permitted on a Site
3.3 Mobile Homes
3.4 Non-Conforming Buildings, Uses and Lots
3.5 Signs and Billboards
3.6 Salvage Yards and Vehicle Storage Areas
3.7 Linear Public Utilities
3.8 Home Based Businesses
3.9 Bed-and-breakfast Homes and Vacation Farms
3.10 Restrictions on Development near an Intensive Livestock Operation (ILO)
3.11 Restrictions on Development near Solid or Liquid Waste Facilities
3.12 Demolition Permits for dwellings or water wells
3.13 Water Supply and Waste Disposal
3.14 Parking and Loading Regulations
3.15 General Development Standards Applicable to All Discretionary Uses in this Bylaw
3.16 Permits for Accessory Uses
3.17 Legal Access for Certain Uses and All Subdivisions
3.18 Minimum Area for a Dwelling or Mobile Home
3.19 Use of the Holding Symbol “h”

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Section 4 - Zoning Districts

4.1 Districts
4.2 Boundaries
4.3 Uses and Regulations

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Section 5: A - Agricultural District

INTENT: to protect high quality agricultural land (defined as Class 1-3 inclusive agricultural land by the Canada Land Inventory), the existing economic nature of the RM, the rural lifestyle of its residents, and the natural environment. To implement the foregoing Intent in this District, Council shall encourage and permit agriculture and agricultural-oriented commercial uses at appropriate sites, if the uses will not conflict with other adjoining uses and which will not be prohibitively difficult or costly to service.

5.1 Permitted Uses
5.2 Discretionary Uses
5.3 District Regulations
5.4 Specific Development Standards for Intensive Livestock Operations in the Agricultural District

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Section 6: CR - Country Residential District (Dispersed – Low Density)

INTENT: To allow a limited variety of non-farm residential uses on separate sites. To implement the Intent of this District, Council shall ensure that new residences will only be allowed at a low density and on sites which avoid slump or flood-prone land and protect the natural environment, particularly the water resource. Such proposals must also not conflict with adjoining agricultural uses, or be prohibitively difficult or costly to service. Council shall refer to Sections 5 and 8 of the OCP in assessing proposed CR subdivisions.

6.1 Permitted Uses
6.2 Discretionary Uses
6.3 District Regulations

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Section 7: CR 2 - Country Residential District (Medium Density)

INTENT: To allow a limited variety of non-farm residential uses on medium density, clustered sites at locations which will integrate into the existing rural community. To implement the Intent of this District, Council shall ensure that new residential clusters will only be allowed on sites which avoid slump or flood-prone land and protect the natural environment, particularly the water resource. As well, to ensure that the numbers of clustered subdivisions for country residential (non-farm) development will not conflict with adjoining uses agriculture, and will not be prohibitively difficult or costly to service, Council will restrict the numbers and locations of such clusters to avoid creating new Villages. Council shall refer to Sections 3 and 8 of the OCP in assessing proposed CR 2 subdivisions.

7.1 Permitted Uses
7.2 Discretionary Uses
7.3 District Regulations

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Section 8: LS – Lakeshore Development District

INTENT: To accommodate the development of low to medium density residential uses (which are mainly seasonal in occupancy) at appropriate locations in the R.M. given suitable regard to servicing, land use compatibility, and protection of the environment.

8.1 Permitted Uses
8.2 Discretionary Uses
8.3 Prohibited Uses
8.4 District Regulations

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Section 9: H – Hamlet District

INTENT: To accommodate higher density residential, limited commercial or industrial and recreational development in Hamlet or Organized Hamlet areas. The creation of this District is intended to facilitate the possible dissolution of existing Villages within the RM to either a Hamlet or Organized Hamlet status under The Municipalities Act.

9.1 Permitted Uses
9.2 Discretionary Uses – Allowable Uses and Criteria
9.3 District Regulations

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Section 10 R/R - Recreational Resort District

INTENT: To accommodate the development of medium density, recreational resort uses at specific locations in the RM. Subject to the OCP Policies, medium density, seasonal dwelling types may be allowed in certain areas where they will be supported by environmental and recreational services. These developments must also be designed to ensure land use compatibility with surrounding residential and agricultural uses, and must protect or enhance the natural environment. No year-round occupancy will be allowed by the RM, since the permitted uses are for seasonal (not year-round), occupancy only.

10.1 Permitted Uses
10.2 Discretionary Uses
10.3 Prohibited Uses
10.4 District Regulations

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Section 11 R/R2 - Recreational Resort District 2

INTENT: To accommodate the development of medium density, recreational resort uses at specific locations in the RM. The existing uses in the area included in this District are primarily for seasonal (not year-round), occupancy. Subject to the OCP Policies, a mix of seasonal and permanent dwelling types may be allowed in certain areas where they will be supported by environmental and recreational services. New developments must also be designed to ensure land use compatibility with surrounding residential and agricultural uses, and must protect or enhance the natural environment.

11.1 Permitted Uses
11.2 Discretionary Uses
11.3 Prohibited Uses
11.4 District Regulations

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Section 12: ES - Environmentally Sensitive Overlay District

INTENT: To protect Environmentally Sensitive land from unsuitable development. Council recognizes the importance of protecting an adequate supply of surface and groundwater for the benefit of all residents and landowners. There are certain other areas near waste disposal sites, sewage lagoons, wetlands or gravel pits, for example which should not be developed due to hazards like potential pollution of water supplies, flooding or site instability. Council shall use the following list and regulations in making decisions on proposed new developments in or near environmentally sensitive land.

12.1 Permitted Uses
12.2 Discretionary Uses
12.3 District Regulations
12.4 Method of Application

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